Warcraft 3 frost wyrm
Warcraft 3 frost wyrm

warcraft 3 frost wyrm

Now comes the third part of the mission - building a giant force and smashing Mal'Ganis' base. You get the sword, all your companions die, and Arthas returns to town. Just before it's over, you'll be interrupted by another cutscene, but oh well. This combat will be close and furious, so make sure you're healed up and rested for it. Once you reach the cave, you'll encounter a level ten Guardian. You'll have to fight wolves, wendigos, and Undead, but this is nothing you can't handle as long as you know how to tab between your Heroes and use their special abilities to keep your small party alive long enough to reach the final cave where Frostmourne stands. This part is fairly easy to follow, as all he has to do is go up the straight path to Frostmourne. Once things have died down in your town, go ahead and get back to Arthas. Station it somewhere in the middle of the town and rush it over to whichever gate is being harassed. Build up your defenders, mixing and matching Riflemen, Footmen, Copters, and other units to create a well-balanced reaction force. Make sure the economy is up and running, make sure there are enough Farms to support large numbers of troops, and enough Peasants working the mine to ensure a steady flow of cash. So when Arthas appears through the gate, you might be tempted to ignore your base and start guiding your party through the wilderness. The third part of the mission comes later, but don't worry about it for now. Arthas leaves his faithful Captain in charge, and as the Captain, you must order the construction of numerous defenders and peasants to help keep things running smoothly. You won't be able to reinforce this party, so you really need to be on your toes while guiding them.Īt the same time, you must also make sure your town is being defended from Undead incursions across three different gates. The first two parts happen simultaneously: you must guide Arthas and his small party of adventurers along a northern path to secure the magic sword Frostmourne. This is one of the larger missions in the game, and it's really played out in three parts. If you've gotten this far, you're probably well-equipped to go on to victory in this chapter without our help, but if you need some pointers, then listen up. This is it, the final chapter in the Human campaign.

Warcraft 3 frost wyrm